View the manual for the Samsung WA90G9 here, for free. This manual comes under the category washing machines and has been rated by 7 people with an average of a 7.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Samsung WA90G9 or do you need help? Ask your question here
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I would like to kno how to open the rotating base of the WA90G9 washing machine for cleaning
Same question Type your response here Add my commentTo clean the rotating base of the Samsung WA90G9 washing machine, follow these steps: 1. Tilt the washer slightly and lift up the rat protection panel until it clicks. 2. Secure the panel to the base with a screw. 3. Insert the rat protection panel into the assembly hole on the back side of the washer. 4. If you have trouble inserting the panel, lift the washer slightly and insert it.
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Post reaction M DavisApril 28, 2023Please assist. My samsung Wa90G9 doesn't want to spin. Even with no load. What can the problem be?
Same question (1) Type your response here Add my commentThe possible reasons why your Samsung WA90G9 washing machine doesn't want to spin, even with no load, are as follows: 1. Lid Open: Check if the washer lid is open. If it is, close the lid. 2. Pause Button: Verify if the Pause button is pressed. If it is, press the Start/Pause button again and check if the washer starts. 3. Water Level: Ensure that enough water is filled to the water level. If the water pressure is low, it may take a long time to start washing. 4. Faucet Closed: Open the faucet to supply water if it is closed. 5. Frozen Drain Hose and Spin Basket: If the drain hose and spin basket are frozen, follow these steps: - Add hot water to the frozen water tap and remove the drain hose. Soak it in hot water. - Pour hot water into the spin basket for about 10 minutes. - Put a hot water towel on the drain hose connector. - If the drain hose defrosts, connect it again and check for proper water draining. 6. Clogged Drain: If the water drains out immediately, the drain may be clogged with coins or pins. Half-fill the spin basket with water and try spinning again. 7. Water Leaks at Water Supply Hose Connector: If water leaks at the water supply hose connector, check the following: - Ensure that the faucet connecting part is tight. - Check if the rubber packing of the water supply hose is in the right position. Screw it tightly if necessary. - Unfold any folded water supply hose. - If the water supply is too strong, close the faucet a little. - If water is leaking from the faucet itself, fix the faucet. 8. Water Not Supplied: Press the Start/Pause button after selecting the water supply. If the Start/Pause button is not pressed, water will not be supplied. 9. Clogged Filter Net: Clean the filter net at the water supply hose connector by brushing it with a toothbrush. 10. Water Supply Cut Off: If the water supply is suspended, turn off the faucet and power off the washing machine. 11. Uneven Laundry Distribution: Check if the laundry is spread evenly in the washer. Spread out the laundry evenly and start again. 12. Leveling and Stability: Ensure that the washing machine is level on a sturdy flat floor. Adjust the legs on the feet for leveling if needed. Remove any unnecessary items around the washing machine.
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