DRMA Orders Revoked; New Limited Measures Under Public Health Enforcement Order

As announced by the Prime Minister in his contribution to the Budget Debate, effective March 18, 2022, the Orders under the Disaster Risk Management Act were revoked and a new Order issued under the Public Health Act with the few measures that have been retained.

The new Order, The Public Health Enforcement Measures (Coronavirus COVID19 Order 2022) is attached.

The public is reminded that events are regulated under various laws and administered by various entities such as the Municipal Corporations and the Police from whom permits must be sought and licenses paid. Until further notice, permits granted will include a condition that the number of persons in a venue be below 70% of capacity.

In addition, certain restrictions applicable to hospitals, nursing homes, infirmaries and correctional facilities will be matters of policy decided at the level of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, and the Ministry of National Security, as applicable and the institutions advised accordingly.

Other than the restrictions described herein, all other measures have been removed.

The public is, however, strongly encouraged to continue to voluntarily observe infection prevention and control measures to keep themselves and their families safe.