Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
This is the version of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community that has been in force (and renamed) as of 1 December 2009, as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon (2007) and all preceding treaties.
To this treaty are attached the attached annexes, protocols and declarations, which are also attached to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community and the Treaty on European Union.
610194 Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU, 2007) 2007
Table of Contents
- Title I: Categories and Areas of Union Competence
- Title II: Provisions Having General Application
- Part Two: Non-Discrimination and Citizenship of the Union
- Part Three: Union Policies and Internal Actions
- Title I: The Internal Market
- Title II: Free Movement of Goods
- Chapter I: The Customs Union
- Chapter II: Customs Cooperation
- Chapter III: Prohibition of Quantitative Restrictions Between Member States
- Title III: Agriculture and Fisheries
- Title IV: Free Movement of Persons, Services and Capital
- Chapter 2: Right of establishment
- Chapter 4: Capital and payments
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Policies on Border Checks, Asylum and Immigration
- Chapter 3: Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters
- Chapter 4: Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
- Chapter 5: Police Cooperation
- Title VII: Common Rules on Competition, Taxation and Approximation of Laws
- Chapter 1: Rules on Competition
- Section 1: Rules Applying to Undertakings
- Section 2: Aids Granted by States
- Chapter 2: Tax Provisions
- Chapter 3: Approximation of Laws
- Title VIII: Economic and Monetary Policy
- Chapter 1: Economic Policy
- Chapter 2: Monetary Policy
- Chapter 3: Institutional Provisions
- Chapter 4: Provisions Specific to Member States Whose Currency is the Euro
- Chapter 5: Transitional Provisions
- Title XI: The European Social Fund
- Title XII: Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sport
- Title XV: Consumer Protection
- Title XVI: Trans-European Networks
- Title XVIII: Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion
- Title XIX: Research and technological Development and Space
- Title XXIII: Civil Protection
- Title XXIV: Administrative Cooperation
- Part Four: Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories
- Part Five: External Action by the Union
- Title I: General Provisions on the Union's External Action
- Title II: Common Commercial Policy
- Title III: Cooperation with Third Countries and Humanitarian Aid
- Chapter 1: Development cooperation
- Chapter 2: Economic, financial and technical cooperation with third countries
- Chapter 3: Humanitarian Aid
- Title IV: Restrictive Measures
- Title V: International Agreements
- Title VI: The Union's Relations with International Organisations and Third Countries and Union Delegations
- Title VII: Solidarity Clause
- Part Six Institutional and Financial Provisions
- Title I: Institutional Provisions
- Chapter 1: The Institutions
- Section 1: The European Parliament
- Section 2: The European Council
- Section 4: The Commission
- Section 6: The European Central Bank
- Chapter 2: Legal Acts of the Union, Adoption Procedures and Other Provisions
- Section 1: The Legal Acts of the Union
- Section 2: Procedures for the Adoption of Acts and Other Provisions
- Chapter 3: The Union's Advisory Bodies
- Section 1: The Economic and Social Committee
- Section 2: The Committee of the Regions
- Chapter 4: The European Investment Bank
- Title II: Financial Provisions
- Chapter 1: The Union's Own Resources
- Chapter 2: The Multiannual Financial Framework
- Chapter 3: The Union's Annual Budget
- Chapter 4: Implementation of the Budget and Discharge
- Chapter 5: Common Provisions
- Chapter 6: Combatting Fraud
- Title III: Enhanced Cooperation
- Part Seven: General and Final Provisions
© European Union,, 1998-2024
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